Thursday, August 11, 2011

Take You Time to Customize the Prize Wheel

The Prize Wheel represents your company, so... take your time with the customization and do it right.

I have been to several trade shows and found clients that have used a Sharpie, copy paper and about five minutes of their time to customize their game.

This is your company, your image. Yes... you want people to stop by your booth or event space, but you also want to leave a lasting impression with your clients.

Here are some photos of Prize Wheel clients that have taken the extra step to create a polished product for their company.

Prize Wheels can be easily customized with downloadable templates. These spinning game wheels are available in several sizes from

Blank templates for the customizable Prize Wheel can be found here. Enjoy!

UPDATE: now offers the Custom Game Gizmo. This online utility allows you to customize your spinning wheel from any computer that is connected to the internet. Click here to start customizing your game wheel.

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